About the Author

Revti Halai, a British Indian residing in London, UK, wears several hats: she is a mother of two, an experienced Architect, and now a Storyteller.

Her life journey took an unexpected turn when her second son was born with a heart condition and Down Syndrome. This pivotal moment transformed her into a dedicated special needs mother, focusing on both her children’s well-being.

Throughout this journey, Revti remained committed to teaching her eldest son about the profound teachings of Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma). However, she faced challenges similar to those from her own upbringing. Existing texts on Hinduism were often complex and inaccessible to young minds.

Driven by a desire for change, Revti embarked on an Author journey.



The Five Great Elements

Revti’s debut children’s book serves as a vessel—a bridge between ancient teachings and curious minds. Through its pages, she aims to ignite young hearts with the wisdom of Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) and foster a deep connection to our precious planet.

Revti’s Mission

  • To help make it easier, exciting and engaging for children, of all faiths and backgrounds, to learn about Hinduism. Through her storytelling, she aims to ensure that these wonderful and timeless teachings remain relevant and impactful.
  • To bring to the forefront important topics, such as the ‘environment’ and ‘the health of our planet’ and explore their link back to Hinduism.

Giving Back

Revti is a strong believer in doing good in the world, to help make it a better place. She actively supports charitable causes, striving to improve the lives of others and contribute to the well-being of our planet.

When she’s not writing or caring for her child with special needs, Revti laces up her running shoes and embraces the natural environment. She runs marathons to support children’s charities and environmental causes.

In anticipation of the release of her debut book, Revti ran a Half Marathon to support a tree planting campaign led by the charity ‘Go Dharmic’. Her fundraising efforts have resulted in over 950 trees being planted to help restore a UNESCO forest in India. These trees will contribute to the restoration of the natural ecosystem and support biodiversity.