Pancha Maha Bhuta



Take a fascinating journey guided by Kaal, representative of ‘time’ in Hinduism, and explore our beautiful shared home, Planet Earth, and the Pancha Maha Bhuta, the five great elements that form it.

At the very beginning of time, everything was perfect and peaceful on Earth and the world flourished. However, as the centuries passed, sadly the planet began to change and weaken.

Kaal has now entered the final era of the Earth’s life, the darkest period, called Kali Yuga. The natural world is under serious threat.

Follow Brahma’s superteam of Devtas as they search for answers. Will anyone come to Planet Earth’s rescue? Can you help?

Book details

Genre: Children’s Fiction Book
Internal: Fully illustrated
Print Length: 96 Pages
Size: 203mm x 254mm x 9mm (8”x10”)
Suggested Age:  9+ years
4-8 year olds (Perfect when read to by a Parent/Adult)

Language: English
Publication: 22nd April 2024 (World Earth Day)

ISBN: 9781738530601

7 reviews for Pancha Maha Bhuta

  1. Sarah Canavan | Language Teacher and MD of Lingotot Bexley

    Revti’s book is phenomenal. It really captures the plight of the earth, through the eyes of Hindu faith. Not only are my children able to learn about the Demi Gods who work together to protect the earth, like superheroes, but it highlights key environmental issues which will be so prevalent in their lifetimes. I will recommend it to all the schools I teach in.

  2. Asmita Bhudia | Author | Teacher in London and Volunteer for Hindu Education Board UK (verified owner)

    In her first masterpiece, “Pancha Maha Bhuta,” Revti Halai seamlessly intertwines ancient wisdom with contemporary relevance, crafting a captivating narrative that resonates with readers of all ages. With a harmonious fusion of timeless teachings and modern perspectives, Revti invites us on an insightful journey exploring the profound essence of the five great elements.

    One of the most striking aspects of “Pancha Maha Bhuta” is its exquisite illustrations, which not only captivate the eyes but also delve deep into the essence of each element, guiding the reader on a visually beautiful expedition. Each illustration is a work of art, intricately woven with symbolism and meaning, enhancing the understanding of the elemental forces that shape our world.

    What sets “Pancha Maha Bhuta” apart is its remarkable accessibility to readers of all ages. Revti has skilfully crafted a child-friendly format, making complex concepts easily understandable and engaging for young minds. The beautiful illustrations serve as a gateway to learning, igniting curiosity and sparking conversations about our interconnectedness with nature.

  3. Dr Sonal Shah GP | Author | Lifestyle Medicine Physician @ living wellgp (verified owner)

    “Pancha Maha Bhuta: A captivating Mythical Adventure for Young Eco-Heroes”

    “Pancha Maha Bhuta” is a wonderfully crafted book that mixes breathtaking illustrations, engaging storytelling, and important environmental messages to deliver an enchanting reading experience for children. It’s not just a fun read—it’s a call to action, encouraging young readers to embrace their roles as Earth’s protectors and fostering a love for the natural world. This book is sure to ignite imaginations and spark eco-passions in future champions of the environment everywhere.

    “Pancha Maha Bhuta” takes young readers on a magical journey through Hindu mythology, where the five elements manifest as superheroes dedicated to safeguarding our planet. Aimed at children aged 6-11, this book blends the allure of superhero narratives with essential lessons on environmental conservation, echoing the spirit of the beloved “Captain Planet” series.

    One of the most remarkable features of this book is its meticulous attention to detail. From the evocative descriptions of the elemental superheroes to the intricately crafted illustrations that adorn each page, every facet of the storytelling is brought to life with enchanting beauty.

  4. Dilan Shah | Age 10 (verified owner)

    “Pancha Maha Bhuta”! is an awesome book where the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—turn into these superhero buddies who save the planet.

    The pictures in this book are out-of-this-worldl! Every page is like a colourful explosion of magic. The detailed illustrations that make you feel like you’re right there with the elemental heroes, fighting to keep the Earth safe.

    But what I really love about “Pancha Maha Bhuta” is how it makes you feel like you can make a difference, even if you’re just a kid. It shows you that every little thing you do to help the planet matters.

    So, if you’re into awesome superheroes, cool adventures, and saving the Earth, “Pancha Maha Bhuta” is definitely the book for you. Trust me, you won’t be able to put it down!

  5. Avnish Thakrar | Hindu Climate Action

    Whilst reading ‘Pancha Maha Bhuta’, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. We’re so fortunate to have the great elements working in harmony to sustain life for us. With colourful illustrations, super hero characters and practical measures we can all take to make a positive difference, Revti’s book is a must read for Hindu parents with young children.

  6. Vishal Majevadia | House of Trikon

    I couldn’t put this book down! It beautifully explains the rich history of Sanatan Dharma in a way that’s easy for young minds to grasp. They’ll gain a true understanding of Hinduism’s key aspects. The artwork is simply stunning! The intricate details of the characters, the vibrant colours, and the unique artistic style all transport you right into the story.

    But what truly elevates this book is how author Revti Halai connects our divine Hindu deities with a crucial message for young readers: the importance of taking care of our planet Earth. The book cleverly addresses the disturbing issue of global warming and empowers kids to be part of the solution. The writing style is captivating, especially the way it references our ancient Vedic texts, making the wisdom feel both timeless and relevant.
    This is a must-read for all children! It offers a positive life lesson about protecting our planet while simultaneously connecting them to the profound wisdom of the Vedas. It’s a perfect blend of entertainment and education!

  7. Dr Rishi Handa | Head of Sanskrit and Head of Religious Studies & Philosophy at St James Senior Boys’ School

    The beauty of Hindu cosmology is that it views nature as organic, not just material. With divinity permeating the whole of creation, there is a sacredness to nature’s features and forces, a sacredness rooted in the devas or cosmic archetypes. Humans and nature must live in a symbiotic relationship if our planet is to remain fit enough to be called our home, yet the present human disregard for her sanctity is leading us to troubled times. The natural world we live in is in a precarious state and unless addressed, will become unbearable for generations to come; to harm her irrevocably is to make us homeless and threaten our very existence. It requires us all therefore, especially the youth – the custodians of the future – to become informed and take responsibility for looking after the very Mother Earth who houses us, supports us, nurtures us, and sustains us.

    Revti Halai in her evident and commendable regard for our world, has sought to approach this concerning issue in an innovative way that permits the reader to appreciate our planet’s current condition through the concept of devas. Our human empathy is typically drawn out when we see others like us suffering since we relate to a shared sentience as well as desire to shun adverse experiences. Therefore, to see the natural elements not just as impersonal but as deities going through turmoil allows us to feel their pain. Through reading the book, we intrinsically want to help them, more so because we know that their suffering will consequentially result in ours. This elicited compassion is all we need to realise that we can remedy this, and Revti suggests ways to do so. This is a practical book, initially bringing to the reader an awareness of the environmental problems, and then by encouraging one to contribute to its solution. It also enables the reader to learn about Hindu cosmology with its deities and concepts of time. Keeping all this in mind, Revti’s efforts deserve recognition and applause.

    What makes this wonderful piece of work even more enchanting and enticing are Ishan Trivedi’s exquisite illustrations which bring the personified elemental archetypes to life and thus, make them relatable. His artistic talent really does make the book an absolute joy to look at.

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